This is my new baby!
When I travelled to Tangkahan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, in summer 2011, we were introduced to the English School; a bunch of children on a pebbly beach. During the past year I supported them to rent a house, and to get some furniture and books and now we want to take it to the next level.
I visited again in April 2012 and it was decided to include the 'Tangkahan Education Centre', as it now will be called, into a MOU with the local authorities. This is keeping me busy now. We will need money to pay for a part time teacher and to get good material for the school.
Creating a charity is a bit of a scary thing, and all that legal stuff is only penetrating my brain slowly. In the meantime the office piggy has started to collect pennies and the new poster created a lot of interest and I found a lot of help and inspiration already.
So, please stay tuned! I am hoping to be back with loads of good news soon!